I have covered most of the YOU part of dealing with it in the previous section (Being Diagnosed). All I can say upfront is, positivity is like a DRUG. A great drug that you yourself can inject into your body, your mind, your sole. It’s an awesome mix of adrenaline, fear and absolute faith in yourself, your doctor and the human spirit.
Again, I know this is not always easy. Some people are diagnosed with horrible things, with bleak outlooks and chances. BUT nothing is final until it is final. The human mind is a Fantastic thing. Please read “Its not about the bike” by Lance Armstrong.
This guy seemed to accomplish a miracle. OR was it the accomplishment of something that anyone could do with the power of the mind. I used to use this as a good story and him as a role model – Ok so things change.
My brother Conn is now my HERO. He smashed Brain cancer in its Face! He beat one of the most aggressive brain cancers. He Believed so much and channeled his positive thought and mediation so hard- Not only did he beat it, but when doctors told him he would lose his hair permanently around the area that they did radiation on for months, he believed and imagined his hair growing back thick and full here . He did this through every radiation session for months. He lost all his hair as expected. But months later when it started growing back, against all prognosis, it grew thicker and fuller on the spot that they had done the radiation. It Grew more here than anywhere else. He was so upset, as he he recons if they had told him he may lose hair elsewhere eventually, he says he would have imagined his whole head growing thick and full, and not just that spot. He is convinced that if he had done this, today he would have a thick full head of hair.
Recovery can be a slow process. Walking is great for the recovering patient, their body, mind and sole. Walk a lot! Eat well, eat healthily. Its time to rethink and re-look at your life. I think you will find you the patient will naturally be more aware of what you are putting into your body. Go easy on the alcohol, specially at first. And NO more smoking!
The first week will be difficult. Lots of moods, highs and lows. The excitement of leaving hospital soon wears off, and the boredom of being stuck at home creeps in. Have friends over to visit, but do not go out much in the first couple of weeks. You do not want to be bumped in the chest, or pick up a virus or cold etc. while your still so fragile. REST is very important. Sleep as much as possible! You may feel pain around the ribs and sternum area, this is natural. Everything was moved and reset after the op. Sleeping pills may help if you are battling to sleep because of discomfort and pain. Speak to your doctor.
You may feel temperature fluctuations, loss of taste, smell and other senses. Don’t panic, everyone is different and may feel different senses and emotions. Don’t let yourself become rundown! This is a fantastic time to rest and take stock of you and your life. Lean on friends for support, contact support groups (ask your doctor), sees the net, or e-mail me. There is a great book I can recommend, which will help you both before and after the op. Coping with Heart Surgery and Bypassing Depression.
To order, send me an e-mail.
Your sternum will heal after 5 to 6 weeks. It will be strong again after 3 –4 months, don’t rush this period. Have a 3-month check up with your cardiologist, and let them decide what you can and cant do.
After this it’s up to you. Mail me for anymore info.